Inspection Reports

ISI Inspection Report 2023

Following the Independent Schools Inspectorate’s (ISI) Focused Compliance and Educational Quality Inspection, in April 2023, The Royal School has achieved the highest possible ‘Excellent’ rating across all areas of our provision for pupil achievement and personal development. In the Focused Compliance Inspection, The Royal met every statutory standard. Read the REPORT IN FULL.

without exception across all areas of our provision for pupil achievement and personal development.

The quality of the pupils’ academic and other achievements is excellent

  • Pupils' achievement is excellent and they make significant progress relative to their starting points, including those with SEND and EAL (English as an Additional Language)
  • Pupils develop exceptionally positive attitudes towards their learning.
  • Pupils demonstrate excellent information and communication technology (ICT) skills across a range of subjects.
  • Pupils are outstanding communicators. They are articulate and confident speakers, write with high levels of competence, read fluently and listen attentively.
  • Pupils achieve extremely well in a broad range of activities beyond the classroom, particularly in sport and creative arts.

The quality of the pupils’ personal development is excellent

  • Pupils demonstrate excellent levels of self-confidence, self awareness, resilience, and self-esteem.
  • Pupils' spiritual awareness and understanding are excellent.
  • Pupils respond positively to the cultural diversity within the school and have a mature understanding of the benefits of working with those from different backgrounds and faiths.
  • Pupils' behaviour is at extremely high levels; they are respectful, caring and courteous towards each other, mutually very supportive and mixing well, especially in boarding.
  • Pupils have a mature awareness of current social issues around relationships and race.


What is an ISI inspection?

The Independent Schools Inspectorate (ISI) is the body approved by the Department for Education for the purpose of inspecting schools belonging to Independent Schools Council (ISC) and reporting on compliance with independent school regulations. ISI inspections involve inspectors observing lessons, conducting formal interviews with pupils and examining pupils’ work. Inspectors hold discussions with senior members of staff, observe extra-curricular activities and attend registration sessions and assemblies. Parents and pupils receive pre-inspection questionnaires, the results of which are analysed by inspectors, and inspectors examine regulatory documentation. 

Discover The Royal School

We are soon to launch our open events for the 2023/24 academic year, register your interest, call our Admissions team today on +44 (0)1428 603051 or email