Our personal, quiet study bedrooms provide an excellent platform for quality study and the opportunity for Sixth Formers to stay overnight on site on a flexi, weekly or full boarding basis. Our QEII boarding house includes kitchen areas, a large comfy common room and a fitness gym, with a Sixth Form café/common room close by.
Students can flexi-board at any time of the school year and some stay on the same nights every week, some for an extended period while their parents are away or some stay just for the occasional night. Students who plan to board in the Sixth Form may find it helpful as the first step to being away from home in preparation for university. Availability is dependent upon the number of full and weekly boarders in residence at the time of enquiry so please give us as much notice as possible to avoid disappointment. An initial inquiry can be made directly with the boarding house, simply email us at boarding@royal.surrey.sch.uk