Sixth Form Admissions

Sixth Form at The Royal

Our vibrant Royal Sixth Form offers students the opportunityto truly become 'Future Ready'. Students enjoy more freedom, the option to flexi board in preparation for university life, a bespoke careers programme alongside extensive opportunities for enrichment.

UK Applicants

All candidates are expected to achieve a minimum of five GCSEs or more at grade 5 or above with a minimum 9-6 grades in the subjects they wish to study at A Level. 9-7 grades for Languages, Mathematics and Sciences are advised. Transfer from Lower Sixth to Upper Sixth is dependent on progress. To continue a subject in the Upper Sixth, pupils will need to perform sufficiently well in the summer examinations in Lower Sixth; failure to make the necessary progress may result in the Lower Sixth being repeated. 

Overseas Applicants

Overseas students will be invited to join the Sixth Form only if their standard of English is such that they can be expected to function effectively in A Level groups. Registered students are required to sit assessments in English Language and Mathematics and an oral interview by Teams should be completed by each candidate and submitted with their school reports and copies of any examination certificates which support their application. 

Please contact the Admissions Team at any time by email via  or by telephone on + 44 1428 603051.

Sixth Form Fact File

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A level & BTEC Subject Information

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