Bursaries enable pupils to attend the school whose parents might not otherwise be able to afford the fees. Applications are invited at Year 7 and Year 12 entry only (Year 9 entry in exceptional circumstances) and awards take into account both parents’ income and assets. We do not offer full bursaries and parents are expected to make a contribution to the fees. Bursary applications for combined incomes over £70,000 may not be considered.
Bursaries are made available by United Learning and by The Kilmorey Fund and are subject to eligibility criteria and terms and conditions.
It is important to note that the School only has a limited amount of funds to be able to dedicate to financial assistance in any one year and therefore, even though you may qualify for bursary, there is no guarantee that a bursary will be awarded, or that we will be able to award the level of financial assistance required in order to be able to afford the school fees.
Bursaries are reviewed on an annual basis and the level of assistance is adjusted according to changes in your financial circumstances.
Parents/guardians seeking a Bursary are required to complete an application form to establish the financial circumstances of the household and will be visited at home by United Learning’s Assessment provider, Bursary Administration Ltd. It is during this visit they will ask to see the original documentation referred to in the application form. BAL are a specialist company who operate across the UK, working alongside a large number of Independent Schools.
Please note that Bursaries are only available in the minority of the most deserving cases and no assumption should be made that financial assistance can or will be given.